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At Fallings Park Primary we want to nurture a love and enjoyment of mathematics in all of our children so that they are keen to explore different concepts and so discover the wonder of mathematics and how it links to their every-day world. Our curriculum follows the NCETM Teaching for Mastery approach and the Number Sense Programme, which we have aligned to the National Curriculum. Based on effective research, the mastery approach plans for small steps which allows children to make connections in their thinking in order to build a deeper understanding. Our maths curriculum sequence is cumulative and allows for consolidation of learning to ensure children make connection and remember more. We offer an ambitious curriculum  that provides them with the skills and knowledge to become confident mathematicians. Language development is key in all our maths lessons, and by using precise mathematical and stem sentences, this offers the children a scaffold to broaden and articulate their mathematical thinking.

Please contact us for more information on our curriculum.

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