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Definition of Safeguarding


"Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined for the purposes of this guidance as:

• protecting children from maltreatment;

• preventing impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development;

• ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and

• taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes."

(KCSiE 2020)


Our Commitment to Safeguarding and Child Protection


At Fallings Park Primary School we are committed to safeguarding children and young people and we expect everyone who works in our school to share this commitment.


Adults in our school take all welfare concerns seriously and encourage children and young people to talk to us about anything that may worry them.​


Key Contacts


Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Ebblewhite

Headteacher & SENDCO: Mrs S. Pedley​


Communication With Parents


Our school will always discuss concerns with parents/carers and consent for any referrals should be sought unless to do so would:


  • Place the child at risk of significant harm or further risk of significant harm.

  • Place a vulnerable adult at risk of harm.

  • Compromise any inquiries that need to be undertaken by children’s social care or the police.


The school will endeavour to ensure that parents have an understanding of the responsibilities placed on the school and staff for safeguarding children.


In the best interests of safeguarding children there may be occasions when the school has to consult with other agencies without a parent or carer’s prior knowledge. Our first concern and responsibility is the child’s welfare and we have a duty to protect children first and always. Such consultation may result in a formal referral which could prompt visits from social care and/or the police. We fully understand that this can be a very distressing set of circumstances. Our school will follow the procedures required by Wolverhampton Safeguarding Together.

Key Policies


Safeguarding Policy


You can find a range of safeguarding advice leaflets at the bottom of this page.


Useful Websites

Wolverhampton Safeguarding Together

Wolverhampton’s website for Safeguarding. On this site you will be able to find the form for Safeguarding Referrals.


National website for keeping children safe.

Child Abuse

National Website for keeping children safe.


National Website for keeping children safe.

Government Information

Preventing Radicalisation

Information on Preventing Radicalisation.

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